Saturday, July 9, 2011


RockMelt is a proprietary social media web browser.RockMelt integrates a technique for surfing the web that focuses on Google search and Social media in particular Facebook and Twitter.RockMelt is based on Google’s open-source project Chromium, now is on version 12. This is a cross-platform family of browsers (available for Windows,Mac and Linux) that use the open-source web layout engine Webkit jointly built by Apple, Google and the open-source community—but have the JavaScript engine replaced by Google's own V8, also open-source.

Notable features:

Rockmelt has an optional Facebook side bar on the left of the Browser window for communicating with contacts. Users can communicate without having to open a new tab/window, or access Facebook's actual website. The Chat Bar displays the user's own status which can be updated, and display picture, and the contacts in a list with their own statuses and display pictures. Clicking on a contact will open up a chat window for the contact in a side pop-up. Further Facebook integrated features are; the ability to create your own favourites list for contacts, post to a contact's wall or message them within Rockmelt, without having to leave the page you are on, and the option to display your friend requests, messages, and notifications in the top right corner of the browser, instead of on On the right side of the browser is another optional side bar, which allows you to view your Facebook wall, and view your notifications. Rockmelt also integrates Twitter. Searching Google in the search bar pops-up a small drop down window with search results, which makes it no longer necessary to open a whole new tab/window for Google search.

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