Thursday, August 4, 2011


Aug 2,2011

3:00 pm: Presentation about the company started........
The session ended with a quote..."No car in the world is without BOSCH in it",But there are always exceptions...."Toy Car".....It captured my attention....Mission BOSCH started there.


7:45Am: Checked in at my coll..My last experience with Mu-Sigma taught me a good lesson of being Punctual....

8:00Am: Assembled in the conference hall for the first round.....But the guys from the company were late due to traffic problems......It tested our patience!!

9:50Am:The First round which comprised of Apti,Technical and verbal questions (60) was held for 60 minutes......

10:50Am:Came out with a little confidence.....but my inner man siad u ll get through...Had snacks ,refreshed and re-assembled in student's center....

12:30Am:As always the toughest time(Results) came ......My friend saw the name list and said there is a big three word name which gave hope for last as the 7th candidate i got selected for next round....
Was disappointed oly because i did not have any other guy from my class to accompany......All my friends were very encouraging and supportive.....They wished all the best and moved on..

Again it was a testing of my patience ....i was made to wait till 4:30Pm....

4:30Pm:I was called in as the 6th person

Me:Excuse me sir
Interviewer: s pls
Me:Good evening sir
Interviewer:hmmm........He started introducing went on for 5 minutes......after completing he asked me to intoduce myself...
Me:I started my intro moved on to my interest and finally came to my project....
Interviewer:Oh so, u have done ur project in Dot Net?
Me:Yes ,sir....
Interviewer:I dont have any knowledge abt .Net(Tat gave me confidence)
Me:I said i am good in .NET....
Interviewer:He asked then do u have any certifications???
Me: i said Yes sir,I have done Microsoft certification in .Net......He was very impressed...He wrote something on a paper...
Interviewer:Really Great,Excellent...
Do u know anything abt java??
Me:I know the basics sir,
Interviewer:Wats ur area of interest?
Interviewer:say someOOPs concept
Me:i said Inheritance.....Polymorphism.....encapsulation....
Interviewer:Can u write a program for method overriding
Me:yes sir.....(I was not very sure of how to implement)
I started writing......wrote inheritance program...he saw oly first few lines and did not ask anything...
Interviwer:Good...Do u know types of API...
Me:Application Program Interface....hmmmmmmmmmmmm
Interviewer:Tats k but i asked types????
Me:..Hmm....I know sir but i cannot recollect well....
Me:yes sir,yes sir,J2SE.....i remembered seeing in a advertisement and said J2EE...
Interviewer:Very good tats more???
Me:hmmm...J2......not sure sir...
Me:Yes sir ,yes sir..J2ME i remember...
Interviewer:Hmmm.......K richard do u have any questions??
Me:Will i get a chance to get into R&D in ur company?? (sounding geeky)
Interviewer:Surely,u can submit a proposal....
Have some busicuits and coffee....
Me:No sir,Thank u!!
Interviewer:Come on yar,Be friendly....
Me:Had some busicuits and coffee....(He was writing something)
Interviewer:K Richy very good thank u!!

4:50Pm:Came out smiling,removed my Tie in a hurry,eveyone asked abt the interview..One guy came behind me and gave a form to fill saying tat i got selected......I was happy...I was the first one to get the confirmation....
Filled the form and waited....

5:45Pm:Called in for HR interview
Me:Good Evening sir,
Interviewer:very Good Evening
Me: I went on to sit...
Interviewer:Don't sit....(I was shocked)......He said take the answer sheet/.....
I kept the file aside and took the answer sheet and gave it to him.....
Now u can sit....I sat down
Interviewer:Introduce urself....
Me:I repeated the into...
Interviewer:Wats ur interest??
Interviewer:Socializing?? wat u do with tat??
Me: I love to connect with friends....
Interviewer:Tat means u love to chat with gals?????
Me:I kept silence for a while and said ...hmmm very rarely...
Interviewer:Blogging?? do u write blogs daily??
Me: yes sir ,i do!!
Interviewer:At wat time?
Interviewer:wats ur blog address?
Interviewer:Hmm good....choose a topic and speak for 2 minutes...
Me:Knowing tat he is a HR,i choose technical topic(Software Engineering) and spoke for few minutes...
Interviewer:Tats good......Why do u want to join BOSCH?
Me:Sir,Yesterday ur presentation was excellent,I was very much impressed by ur company...
Me: s sir,,,,
Interviewer:K thank u richard,can i call u as richy???
Me: s sir pls....
Interviewer:Fine...See u soon at Bosch!!

I came out happily.....
The official results were out at 9:30....And i was through!!..3 of my class mates too got selected.....